Cluain Mhuire, Monivea Road, Galway, Ireland
The Galway Film Centre has provided a welcome boost for aspiring film and documentary makers in the West. It provides a full back-up support unit for members and the most up to date equipment is available for hire. Itspecialises in running training courses on many areas of film making and TV production, all of which are very well recognised. The Film Centre has a particularly well equipped editing suite, which can be used by members at a nominal fee. If required, the centre will even provide a location for filming! This service is supplemented by informed and useful advice from the staff. The highlight of the year for the Film Centre is the Galway Film Fleadh, during the Galway Arts Festival, which provides a showcase for the work of their brightest and best students and members. Membership is well worth while at only ?20 per year.
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