Business Directory
Aidan T. Stapleton & Co

Parliament Bldgs, Parliament st 2,
Telephone: (01)6797939
"We at Stapleton Solicitors have over 23 years experience in all areas of law. In volved in the provision of legal services including house purchases/sales & remo rtgages, litigation involving the whole spectrum of injuries received in road tr affic accidents, accidents at work, accidents in public places, medical negligen ce, probate & family law. Call us today. Litigation, personal injury, accidents, medical negligence, wills, probates, hom e, house, conveyancing, sales, purchase, PIAB advice, family law, separation, di vorce, unfair dismissal, stress & harrassment at work, immigration law. "

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Listing Information
Hits: 2030
Added: 2007-03-10 07:37:07
Last updated: 2007-03-27 11:34:19